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The insurance industry has a challenge to keep ahead of the constantly evolving risk environment. Whether it is the rise of cyber risks, increasing extreme weather events, or the rapid emergence of ...
"It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed." – Charles Darwin There are several customer-facing ...
Experts at McKinsey & Company estimate that inflation pushed loss costs for property/casualty insurers up roughly $30 billion last year, with nearly three-quarters of that figure coming through ...
Supply chain. The unprecedented disruptions of the past few years have made "supply chain" a household word—because nearly every household in the world has been affected by the shortages of goods ...
From a global pandemic to unprecedented racial, social and political turmoil, to sustainability and climate change, senior executives across industries have been forced to deal with a range of issues ...
Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. —Christian Lous Lange It is far too easy for people, including those who should know better—such as insurance industry professionals, ...
The California Insurance Commissioner and the California Department of Insurance (CDI) recently issued a bulletin regarding industry bias and discrimination. The bulletin acknowledged allegations of ...
Cash burn is so 2020. To keep with the recent theme of calling out the obvious, it's time to talk about the next big risk for product-centric InsurTechs. It's not cash burn. Everyone knows about that ...
Insurers are not typically thought of as disruptors. You know, the ones anticipating change, willing to ride the waves, and making drastic changes based on where the market will be rather than merely ...
Innovation calls upon us to challenge existing paradigms. Women in technology understand this all too well. Many of us have stepped into roles that were traditionally dominated by men. We've had to ...
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