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The State Auto team began a journey in 2015, when the company was at a crossroads: Continue on the path of a five- to seven-year project to stand up a new policy and billing platform, or do something ...
When you're in a consumer-focused business, your job is to help people. Those of us in the insurance industry know we have a great advantage: When people have their worst day, we help them put things ...
I am writing this article from my house in Park City, Utah, overlooking Deer Valley Mountain. Today is a regular work day, but I am more than 1,000 miles away from our headquarters and working from ...
A North Korean hacking group has tried to steal at least $1.1 billion in a series of attacks on global banks over the past four years, according to cybersecurity firm FireEye Inc. The hackers, which ...
Because an ice cream store in my hometown does not have a seating area, patrons gather in the parking lot after making their purchases. As families, sports teams and young couples spoon ice cream ...
While the work of risk management has changed dramatically over the past decade, plan for the pace of change to get more and more frenetic as artificial intelligence takes hold in the operations of ...
Kelly Lyles is Chief Executive Client and Country Management at XL Catlin (now AXA XL), with responsibility for managing XL Catlin's insurance presence around the world. Her role includes leading ...
The potential costs of climate change, already the subject of heated debate, may actually be understated. It's not just the potential disruptions to weather systems, agriculture and coastal cities; ...
It wasn't until mid-July this year that I had ever heard the term "lava bomb" or thought about the prospect of a Category 6 hurricane. But both were in the news around the time I read about another ...
Leave it to catastrophe bonds to be among the most well-functioning debt markets out there. Issuance of "cat bonds" has climbed to more than $11 billion this year, about the same as this time in ...
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