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I could never have anticipated fully what the next months would bring after Westfield initiated its business continuity plan on March 12, 2020. My company's response was energetic and focused, so ...
Looking ahead to the days after the COVID-19 crisis, the need for some changes in the independent agency channel becomes clear. The channel needs more—and better—digital capabilities. During the ...
In an accompanying article, we looked at the statutory financial results of three U.S. P/C InsurTech carriers, finding that Root continues to outpace Metromile and Lemonade on the top line, while ...
Since the first article in this series, Dispatches From InsurTech Survival Island, our principal goal in analyzing the quarterly statutory statements of the most relevant U.S. property/casualty ...
I returned to the office this week, joining thousands of bankers from Citigroup Inc. to Morgan Stanley that are trickling back to their desks in Hong Kong. After almost five months working from home, ...
InsurTech was once the Wild West of the insurance industry. Many of InsurTech's early players came from outside insurance after observing the industry struggle to deliver what was, in their view, a ...
As the insurance industry begins to settle into the new norm of working from home (WFH), most companies will be questioning the very fundamentals of their day-to-day operating models. Staff will, of ...
More than any human, COVID-19 is driving a digital transformation of the insurance industry. Everything about the way the industry has traditionally worked is under challenge due to the quarantine, ...
Week #1 = Shock (mandatory work from home, seriously?) Week #2 = Novelty (Zoom meetings, crazy hat day, check out my workspace!) Week #3 = Realization (wait, we need to actually run our business this ...
The rapid spread of COVID-19 took the business world by surprise. Like most companies, the Xceedance business continuity plan did not envision all personnel working from home for an extended period ...
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