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Are you using your vehicle to transport people? That's just one of the "archaic questions" that insurers might be still be asking, Chetan Kandhari, Chief Innovation and Digital Officer for ...
A judge in Durham County, North Carolina has handed down what may be the nation's first dispositive ruling in favor of policyholders in a COVID-19 business-interruption lawsuit. Superior Court Judge ...
The insurance industry has gotten a bad rap over the past year, but it's time to show who we really are. With uncovered pandemic-related business interruptions capturing headlines about ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has crushed the economy, sent joblessness soaring, and killed over a million people worldwide. But there are a few ways in which the pandemic may prompt society to improve, and ...
Social inflation is the primary explanation offered for the need to increase general liability and excess casualty premiums in the last two years. With social inflation, injured parties are more ...
Early in 2020, I wrote a series of articles about insurance carriers that got top ratings on an online job site. To do my research, I had to sign up to provide information about my job. Ever since, I ...
There are some algorithms in life that, even with the very best marketing, don't really matter too much. For example, if Netflix's recommendation algorithm points me toward the first episode of a ...
Next year I will be retiring from the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, an organization founded to advance the cause of member companies and their policyholders. It's been my work ...
For the average insurance consumer, the arithmetic is hard to ignore: The less insurers pay in claims, the more money they make. Thus is planted the seed of a doubt that so many policyholders seem to ...
How has the pandemic changed you personally? As a leader? How will it change your company? How should the industry plan to respond to future pandemics? Carrier Management asked carrier, reinsurance ...
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