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If COVID-19 has taught us any important business-related lesson in 2020, it is the importance of being agile. More than a mere business practice, this agile philosophy of quickly adapting to ...
As money began to flow into InsurTechs back in 2014 and 2015, these companies essentially fell into two categories: You were either a provider of technology to insurance companies or a distributor of ...
"I remember this same story 10 years ago." The LinkedIn comment on our first-quarter magazine cover story, "Google's Insurance Strategy Could Be a Game Changer," appeared soon after we published an ...
As we headed into 2020, and prior to the impact that resulted from the pandemic, many carriers had made investments to digitize. But amid many business priorities is where digital transformation ...
Social justice is an easy goal on which to agree, though as the events of the past year have taught us, we often fall short transforming the aspirational into reality. That doesn't mean we stop ...
COVID-19 has exacerbated socioeconomic inequality and exposed vast racial and economic disparities in America. Millions have lost their jobs, and research shows that historically under-resourced ...
As the founder of a data and analytics InsurTech focused on the commercial auto insurance space, I knew fundraising would be a challenge. Commercial auto insurance has been unprofitable for years, ...
In a year where news about COVID-19 dominated the headlines, Carrier Management published feature content in line with its mission to deliver both leadership and insurance themes to today's industry ...
Change came in many forms this year, as a global pandemic and numerous catastrophes sent shockwaves through the world and insurance community, leaving us all with a new perspective. Across the board, ...
Over 25 years leading RMS, and now even more so with my new colleagues at Archipelago, I've developed an affinity for the built environment: the hazards and risks of these assets, the imperatives for ...
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