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Since the first article in this series, Dispatches From InsurTech Survival Island, our principal goal in analyzing the quarterly statutory statements of the most relevant U.S. property/casualty ...
I returned to the office this week, joining thousands of bankers from Citigroup Inc. to Morgan Stanley that are trickling back to their desks in Hong Kong. After almost five months working from home, ...
Bold Penguin, a commercial insurance exchange technology platform launched in 2016, announced it has acquired xagent, an independent, single-entry, multi-quote platform for standard and surplus lines ...
Against the backdrop of the Global Insurance Accelerator's 5th Annual InsurTech Week, nearly 200 insurance company executives, InsurTech startup founders, and industry influencers spent the better ...
Continuing a series in which we evaluate and discuss the financial performance and operating results of the InsurTech carrier trio of Lemonade, Root and Metromile, we find continued growth and ...
A growing number of cities and states want to turn climate change lawsuits against oil companies into the next tobacco or opioid litigation. In principle, that seems like a truly terrible idea. Such ...
Power outages, wildfires and vaping bans do not appear similar at all, but in the rush to protect consumers and constituents from harm, companies and state legislators may be creating an entirely ...
Climate change poses risks to real estate that homebuyers may not be able to predict. As sea level rises, coastal properties, for example, may be subject to increased flooding and intensifying storm ...
It's an unfortunate truth that commercial automobile insurance hasn't been a profitable line of business for years. According to industry reports, even though commercial auto rates increased for 31 ...
Most insurance companies aren't bold enough in their strategies to boost profits, according to a recent report from McKinsey & Company, which also says that industry CEOs must lead the way to ...
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