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A study by a handful of university professors in Colorado claims user-based insurance programs installed in millions of vehicles can collect data that shows where drivers are going, unbeknownst to ...
Despite the government shutdown, sometimes government gets it right. Recently, government appeared to truly appreciate the benefit of establishing public-private partnerships, including with ...
While property/casualty insurance stock valuation levels are finally exceeding book values after four years of below-book levels, a near-term return to higher historical valuation levels is unlikely, ...
The Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act (Biggert-Waters) was enacted in 2012 with the goal of reforming and thereby saving the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It is a well-meaning and ...
Research by Aon shows that more than 85 percent of insurers will no longer insure terror risk if the federal backstop goes away. The brokerage firm revealed the conclusion based on its "market ...
In May, Standard & Poor's confirmed that it had finalized a 10-month "Request for Comment" (RfC) process around proposed changes to the rating agency's criteria for rating insurers and ...
The concept of price elasticity of demand has not received enough attention in the world of property/casualty insurance. Regulatory hurdles, a tradition of cost-plus pricing and maybe even an ...
The insurance industry has long suffered from a "brand identity" crisis on many fronts. Often accused of improper sales and marketing of our products and poor handling of policyholder claims after a ...
Here is Warren Buffett's pension fund management advice in a nutshell: Be patient, buy only a few things, ignore the stock market until it becomes irrationally optimistic, at which point sell. A ...
Ever since Edward Snowden walked out of a National Security Agency facility in May with electronic copies of thousands of classified documents, the finger-pointing has concentrated on government's ...
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