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The evidence, accidentally uncovered, unhinged my jaw in surprised incredulity. I am open to the unexpected just as long as it circles my expectations with a close, concentric hug. Tom and I have ...
In its report, How to Modernize and Improve the System of Insurance Regulation in the United States (Modernization Report), the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) concluded that a combination of reforms ...
In addition to raising capacity and lowering reinsurance prices, the influx of new capacity from the capital markets is driving more flexible reinsurance terms and efficiencies that primary insurers ...
Opinions vary widely among property/casualty insurance experts on the desirability of accounting standards being proposed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the International Accounting ...
If you are like most insurance executives you are probably aware that changes are coming to insurance accounting, but you're probably not exactly sure what they are or why all this is happening. The ...
As with personal resolutions and renewed avowals, the start of a new year is the perfect time for insurers to revisit the parameters and goals guiding their investment portfolios. Particularly for ...
Google the term "insurance innovation" and you'll get over 38,000 results. Probably not surprising, and as you would expect, the results are everything from an actual domain name to consulting groups ...
For Amazon's recently announced drone delivery system to get off the ground, the company will have to solve numerous difficult technological challenges. Chief among them will be increasing battery ...
In 1981, President Ronald Reagan instructed federal agencies that they could issue regulations only after demonstrating that their benefits justified their costs. With modest changes, Reagan's ...
A multitude of forces are causing many carriers to think of ways to disintermediate agencies. Health care reform is one. Some benefits carriers have cut commissions to 0 percent and agents are still ...
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