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In increasing numbers, enterprises around the globe are adding public clouds to their technology portfolios. According to Forrester, adoption of public clouds by all types of business enterprises ...
The long journey toward a unified regulatory system for insurance in the European Union—Solvency II—finally appears to be near its end. With that hurdle behind them insurers and reinsurers have ...
The "big data" buzz that dominates so much of the P/C insurance conversation these days may not be as uniformly useful as everyone thinks. In the majority of cases, the usefulness of big data hinges ...
There's fowl knocking at my kitchen door; an impatient staccato, it pauses, expectant like a breath held, then resumes. They know I am in here. I know what they want. The tapping pecks away at my ...
The depth and breadth of predictive modeling applications are growing as insurance companies become more comfortable with this core function in modern property/casualty business. However, few ...
Karen Clark scored a bonafide first when she launched catastrophe modeling company Applied Insurance Research (AIR) in 1987. With a focus on computer simulations, it was the only operation of its ...
Karen Clark noted that her company's RiskInsight "open platform" currently is the only one in the industry already used by insurers and reinsurers. But what about the Oasis framework, launched by 21 ...
Clark on Catastrophe Modeling: "The tricky thing about cat modeling is it is not all about the science and not all about the software. It is about having the right mix and then making sure that ...
There is an increased focus globally on international insurance regulation driven by efforts within the G20 major economies to strengthen the international regulatory regime since the financial ...
It's a widely accepted truism in this new millennium—if not an entirely proven one—that technology drives innovation and innovation drives competitive advantage. Whether or not that's completely ...
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