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Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. —Christian Lous Lange It is far too easy for people, including those who should know better—such as insurance industry professionals, ...
Old school vs. new school. Every so often, a debate echoes down the corridor of time as the disrupters of the status quo burst on the scene with novel ways of doing things, while the established ...
Insurance carriers, are you and your defense counsel ready for the "perfect storm" of litigation that is coming once the pandemic is over? Are your teams trained to defend against the increasing wave ...
Workers compensation is inarguably the most competitive line in the commercial lines insurance market this year. According to most broker and carrier market reports, it's the only one that has ...
Voices in the insurance industry have recently called for the regulation of commercial litigation funding on the ground that it is "a key driver of social inflation." Such calls to action lack ...
When business leaders try to build a customer-centric culture, they often overlook a key issue that can doom the whole effort: Many employees don't think they have a customer. Sure, the customer is ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has crushed the economy, sent joblessness soaring, and killed over a million people worldwide. But there are a few ways in which the pandemic may prompt society to improve, and ...
There are some algorithms in life that, even with the very best marketing, don't really matter too much. For example, if Netflix's recommendation algorithm points me toward the first episode of a ...
For the average insurance consumer, the arithmetic is hard to ignore: The less insurers pay in claims, the more money they make. Thus is planted the seed of a doubt that so many policyholders seem to ...
Working from home should have liberated employees from toxic workplace behavior such as bullying and harassment. Amid the lockdowns, gone are undesired office encounters, business trips, ...
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