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Even though growth seems hard to come by for property/casualty insurers, five made the top 25 of Fortune's 100 fastest growing companies published late last month. One of the five—Federated ...
Major tier 1 reinsurers stand to benefit most from a changing reinsurance market and mounting competitive pressures, while small monoline companies will be the hardest hit, according to a reinsurance ...
In spite of fading carrier optimism about revenue growth and increasing activity on the M&A front, unemployment in the insurance industry remains near an all-time low. For carriers, that means ...
When Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz wrote a New York Times Op-Ed titled "America Deserves a Servant Leader" in August, he described a leadership style that is growing in popularity among some of the ...
On September 8, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. EST, Executive Coach Marcel Schwantes will host a webinar for Carrier Management readers titled "Six Servant Leadership Practices That Drive Performance and Increase ...
As we build on the ideas presented in this series of articles, we focus on the third thing that great leaders do differently: They develop people. (All six traits of great leaders are summarized in ...
Property/casualty insurers face a number of external obstacles on the road to delivering more innovative products and reimagining their operations, but the ones that really get in the way come from ...
Radostina Purvanova, associate professor of management and international business at Drake University, has a unique perspective on what it takes to be a successful leader in the current economy. ...
I have a CD player in my relatively new luxury sports sedan. It plays five—or maybe six—CDs so I can be surrounded by music I choose and like all through even a reasonably long journey. Or maybe ...
Bill Gausewitz, Esq., recently published an intriguing article in Carrier Management that supports insurers using "price optimization" approaches to make profits. He pits "…business goals of growth ...
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