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When chief executives of property/casualty insurance carriers wholeheartedly commit to corporate giving programs, the benefits can extend beyond helping worthy nonprofit organizations, a public ...
Becoming a more customer-centric insurer isn't simply a matter of finding the right technology, according to a recent PwC report, which asserts that inadequate governance explains why carriers ...
I have been bonked all afternoon. It's that time of year. Brooklyn's stoops, plumped by great pumpkins, are bright with autumn leaves. Sweeping up means braving the barrage of falling kernels, ...
As with most industries within the financial services sector, insurance is facing the dual pressures of needing to keep costs down in a competitive environment while maintaining satisfaction ...
The mobile revolution has transformed the way we interact, the way we shop, and the way we do business. Access to the internet is fast-becoming a fundamental human right. Traditional sales channels ...
It's bad enough that property/casualty insurance companies are trying to fend off competitors in their own industry—and potential disrupters from outside—both vying to steal good risks away at ...
As we build on the principles presented in this series on servant leadership, we get to a core idea that raises an obvious question. The core principle: Servant leaders provide leadership. The ...
The trend of "uberization"—industry disruption caused by an unlikely outside competitor—has become a key concern of executives in and outside the insurance industry, according to a new IBM study ...
FROM THE ARCHIVES: A VINTAGE CARRIER MANAGEMENT ARTICLE FROM 2015. What are you afraid of this Halloween? That your customers might disappear like ghosts? That your competitors might pick them off ...
For executives in the property/casualty insurance industry, daily leadership challenges both large and small erupt constantly. They must find ways to stay fresh, innovative and efficient in order to ...
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