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Fill in the blank: Advertising is to the Internet as <Blank> is to the Internet of Things. Until I attended the Property/Casualty Insurance Joint Industry Forum earlier this month, the ...
William is my dog. By all customary and conventional measures, Willy is not a nice dog. He is not a dog you would encourage your children to entertain. But I love him. Willy is a sad, mad dog with ...
As insurance carriers struggle to set themselves apart from one another, they might want to seek inspiration from a different type of carrier—the wireless kind. In late 2012, wireless carrier ...
"Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon," Mark Twain once said. Reputation is as important today as it was in Twain's day, but perhaps not necessarily as unassailable. ...
Insurance agents aren't dead yet, but even underwriters participating in the personal automobile insurance market may be looking for another line of work within the next two decades, industry ...
You know your company's top performers. And of that group, you probably have a pretty good idea which workers have leadership potential. But how can you help those top performers improve their ...
We are in the midst of a new age of underwriting—an age driven by technology. And the technology-driven era is not only changing the way underwriters work, but it is also transforming the ...
Companies that have been in existence for more than two centuries tend to be founded upon core values. In the business of insurance, which is predicated on the customer's trust that the insurer will ...
The White House and Congressional Christmas trees are up, but with 70 degree weather in Washington—and without a government shutdown threat—it's hard to believe it's the holiday season. It's ...
Property/casualty insurance company senior executives aren't the only carrier leaders overwhelmed by multiple demands on their time. Members of P/C insurer boards of directors are similarly ...
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