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While job cuts at a handful of insurance companies shrank the U.S. insurance carrier workforce by about 600 jobs last year, for the most part, property/casualty insurers are looking to increase or ...
Two-thirds of insurers surveyed say they're planning to hire more in 2016, but whether they will actually go through with those plans remains a question. In fact, 14 percent of insurers decreased ...
Although executives in a variety of industries pay lip service to the idea that innovation is the responsibility of everyone their companies, employees below the management level are not getting the ...
A recent study by research firm Brandon Hall Group found critical gaps in leadership training—specifically training targeted for midlevel managers. Here, Amy Fox, president, CEO and founder of ...
What's next? That's a question that we've asked many times throughout our careers. And despite having 50-plus years of collective experience between us, it's not one that we intend to stop asking ...
According to David Hassell, CEO of employee engagement software firm 15five, the concept behind anonymous feedback is a holdover of a bygone era where, in many organizations, the leadership of a ...
Companies rely on agents to drive growth, but the onboarding process typically moves slowly due to corporate, regulatory and verification requirements. The delay in bringing agents on board directly ...
The war for talent has hit the insurance industry with incredible force. Having weathered the recent "Great Recession" with its record unemployment rates, company downsizings and mass professional ...
Taking a long-term view isn't just good advice for liability insurers writing long-tail casualty business. It also makes sense for property/casualty managers and executives who feel as if their work ...
Some aspiring leaders think that it is lonely at the top. Not so. Or at least it doesn't have to be. The really effective leaders have learned—and understand—that they cannot do it alone. They ...
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