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Carrier Management recently published an article in three parts by James Lynch, chief actuary and vice president of Research and Information Services at the Insurance Information Institute, based ...
Leading middle-market insurers are re-examining their underwriting function along four key dimensions. The output from these re-examinations include a variety of actions to enable sustainable ...
Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, quickly has become a fixation in the financial services industry as a result of its potential to revolutionize and transform our thinking about data ...
We generally do not tend to think of innovation and risk management as compatible themes. Innovation conjures up images of bold new ideas, thinking outside the box, disrupting established ways of ...
Much has been written about the need for ethics and ethical behavior in organizations, and most people, when approached with the subject, show body language that says "I know it. I do it. Don't talk ...
Despite proclamations by some observers that the reinsurance cycle is dead, JLT Re says, reports of its demise are greatly exaggerated – and now is the time for buyers to use the cycle, and ...
What's a great, differentiated customer experience really worth to an insurance carrier? It's a vexing question for the insurance industry, where the idea of investing in a better customer experience ...
Liability insurance may be a "neglected backdoor route to police reform," according to a researcher from the University of Chicago. John Rappaport, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago ...
A draft of the Insurance Data Security Model Law was released by the Cybersecurity (EX) Task Force in March. Insurers and others have been commenting on the release through written letters and during ...
Marketing to millennials is all the rage. Still, for many, crafting an effective message for millennials remains a mystery. We may know a few things about how old they are and what they like, but do ...
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