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I have heard a number of business leaders across the country discussing the early days of the COVID-19 response and their experience with continuing operations while protecting the health and safety ...
Companies don't have a choice about the timing and magnitude of a crisis like COVID-19. What will define a company is the choices leaders make from this point forward. How do we move beyond managing ...
A leader sets the tone during any crisis. We've all faced challenging times, whether an individual crisis felt by our own company or a broader crisis impacting the industry or nation. The global ...
Personally, my experience at a startup in 2008 taught me that in times of disaster there is a huge premium on both capital and clarity. The capital you have available may be beyond your control based ...
A global pandemic was certainly not in my 90-day plan when I assumed this role in February, but it's shaping how my leadership team and I are leading today and will lead in the future. From the start ...
Over the years, I have been described as "old school" or "set in his ways." Having been in the insurance business since June 1, 1977, I guess there is a legitimate reason. I am getting old. Never in ...
While some observers reported a letup in social inflation during COVID-19 lockdown periods, reinsurance executives speaking at a recent conference said they fear U.S. jury verdicts and settlements ...
Let's start with the normal distribution curve. Have I lost you already? Most of us know the normal distribution curve, also known as a bell curve. It sits on an x/y axis. It starts low, gradually ...
Long before cellphones, Starbucks and Twitter, there was insurance. You can look back to the advent of society and find some form of the concept. In 4000 BCE Babylon, contracts protected merchants ...
The NotPetya malware attack of June 2017 changed the future of cyber insurance and the way companies manage the risk. Initially believed to be a ransomware attack, NotPetya instead wiped data from ...
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