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When you're in a consumer-focused business, your job is to help people. Those of us in the insurance industry know we have a great advantage: When people have their worst day, we help them put things ...
I am writing this article from my house in Park City, Utah, overlooking Deer Valley Mountain. Today is a regular work day, but I am more than 1,000 miles away from our headquarters and working from ...
While the work of risk management has changed dramatically over the past decade, plan for the pace of change to get more and more frenetic as artificial intelligence takes hold in the operations of ...
Kelly Lyles is Chief Executive Client and Country Management at XL Catlin (now AXA XL), with responsibility for managing XL Catlin's insurance presence around the world. Her role includes leading ...
Exponential increase in technological advances. Escalating impact of climate change. Extreme political polarization. Three phrases that describe the world we're living in and the emerging, evolving ...
Following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore described it as "the first taste of a bitter cup that will be proffered to us over and over again." That devastating event ...
Having recently attended a number of carrier events during which the structure of market contacts, departments and the underwriting process were once again reimagined as new and novel in a "back to ...
The insurance industry is experiencing a convergence with technology that is transforming the way it develops products, underwrites, prices and sells policies, and services its customers. This change ...
Ours is a competitive industry and in a changing world which has added online multi-carrier marketing, multi-distributional selling (including those who are competing directly with their own ...
The property/casualty business provides countless examples of initiatives to leverage data and analytics to improve agency relations, new business acquisition, underwriting and rating, and claim ...
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