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There are several things that keep SCOR's Jean-Paul Conoscente awake at night. Climate change is one of them; cyber risk is another. Only time will tell whether these risks are actually insurable, ...
From autonomous vehicles to index funds, our world and our industry are changing, and it would seem that people are less a required element. But I'm here to tell you that people—more specifically ...
After getting the go-ahead to build a new insurance company, BHSI's founding executive team—Peter Eastwood, president and CEO; David Bresnahan, executive vice president; David Fields, executive ...
When many of my peers and I entered the industry, several days or weeks could pass between the initial inquiry by a potential policyholder and the time a transaction took place. Applications were ...
Uber Technologies Inc. announced its first quarterly results as a public company with an operating loss of over $5 billion in the quarter. The company is emblematic of the growth-at-all-costs model ...
Rapidly changing situations and opportunities often outpace the speed and capability of communication in today's insurance industry. Creating the ability to connect firms, brokers and underwriters ...
As smart carriers continue to leverage cognitive and digital computing technologies to better understand, mitigate and absorb customers' property and casualty risks, the insurance industry is primed ...
Big data and analytics are combining to profoundly alter one of the most manual processes in the insurance industry: claims management. Simple algorithms can ferret out evidence of claims leakage, ...
The insurance industry has never been more diverse than it is today, and that diversity extends far beyond the ratios of men to women. Four of the six living generations are now laboring side by side ...
In February, Carrier Management marked its fifth anniversary of publishing content tailored for property/casualty insurance executives, directors and future leaders. Before looking ahead to 2019, we ...
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