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It wasn't until mid-July this year that I had ever heard the term "lava bomb" or thought about the prospect of a Category 6 hurricane. But both were in the news around the time I read about another ...
Have you ever been asked what you do for a living and found yourself hesitating to answer? Perhaps you bravely declare your line of work and get reactions ranging from general apathy, to eye rolls, ...
As part of its "Watson at Work" campaign, IBM in early April released a series of videos showing cognitive systems helping people do their jobs. One video shows Watson, IBM's cognitive computing ...
Max Messervy took a decidedly positive tack when pried again and again to reveal any negative reaction to a report he puts together every so often. Messervy, the insurance program manager at ...
We have been publishing a lot of articles about machines learning to think more like humans. But does that mean that we have to make humans behave like robots? The question doesn't seem like a ...
We need more young people to graduate with science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees. Countless articles have been written about ways to fill the STEM gap on this website and others. ...
The Q1 2016 edition of Carrier Management focuses on two broad themes: the state of the industry and talent management. But anyone glancing at our feature titles might think our main focus is ...
William R. Berkley's last earnings conference call as chief executive officer of the company that bears his name lasted just over 20 minutes, with a lack of questions about a less-eventful quarter ...
In the third-quarter edition of Carrier Management magazine, we devote a lot of pages to future trends. It's a timely focus as people increasingly talk about a future of roads filled with cars that ...
Interest in climate change is becoming an increasingly powerful economic driver, so much so that some see it as an industry in itself whose growth is driven in large part by policymaking. The $1.5 ...
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