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Tuesday, May 11 started out as an ordinary day for me. Early in the day, I was following the latest news about the lingering effects of a ransomware attack on the Colonial Energy pipeline, which had ...
Investor Jeremy Grantham says special purpose acquisition companies, which raise money in an initial public offering and then find a promising company with which to merge, are a "license to rip ...
"I remember this same story 10 years ago." The LinkedIn comment on our first-quarter magazine cover story, "Google's Insurance Strategy Could Be a Game Changer," appeared soon after we published an ...
In a year where news about COVID-19 dominated the headlines, Carrier Management published feature content in line with its mission to deliver both leadership and insurance themes to today's industry ...
Early in 2020, I wrote a series of articles about insurance carriers that got top ratings on an online job site. To do my research, I had to sign up to provide information about my job. Ever since, I ...
If you were born just a few years ago, and started to understand the world today, then wearing a mask to go outside wouldn't seem like a very big deal. And the fact that your parents were always ...
To all of our Carrier Management readers: Happy New Year! With the advance of 2020, we are also announcing the launch of something new on our website: Readers can now post comments about the stories ...
Every publication that reports on insurance these days is divided into at least two camps: the "InsurTech" camp on one side and the "insuretech" devotees on the other. Yes, there are even more ...
A growing number of cities and states want to turn climate change lawsuits against oil companies into the next tobacco or opioid litigation. In principle, that seems like a truly terrible idea. Such ...
This article is part of Carrier Management's Cultural Q&A series featured in the Nov/Dec 2018 print edition. Q: There is a famous saying, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." Do you agree? Do ...
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