Is AI Risk Insurance the Next Cyber for Insurers?

The rising enthusiasm around generative AI and the prospective increase in AI adoption are opening up intriguing opportunities for insurers to underwrite AI risks. However, before they delve into the ...

Serious Change Underway at SiriusPoint

SiriusPoint has seen a cluster of challenges over the past two years—ranging from an incomplete merger integration to persistent underwriting and investment losses to ...

Repricing Is Not Reunderwriting

A rising tide carries all boats. That rings true currently in commercial insurance. Carriers have broadly brushed aside concerns about geopolitics, inflation and natural ...

Another Soft Market Is Inevitable

In recent weeks, executives of brokers and carriers have been delivering mixed messages about conditions in the commercial insurance market. "The long curve, the larger trend, is bending in a ...

Can Insurance Find a Home in the Metaverse?

A Cognizant report published last year, titled "A pragmatist's guide to the Metaverse," said if you ask three people what the Metaverse is, you'll get three different ...