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The administrator of BP Plc's settlement with thousands of people and businesses who sued over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill urged a federal judge on Monday to end the company's lawsuit over how ...
Ed Graf was given life in prison 25 years ago for killing his two stepsons by locking them in a backyard shed and setting it on fire. Two investigators used photos of the shed's remains to persuade ...
India's IT outsourcers are promoting "mini CEOs" capable of running businesses on their own, while trimming down on the hordes of entry-level computer coders they normally hire as they try to squeeze ...
Ten million more people will be living on the already-crowded U.S. coast by 2020 if current population trends continue. The coastal population will increase from 123 million to nearly 134 million ...
Twelve of the top-25 insurance groups reported adverse reserve development for accident-years 2010 and 2011 during calendar-year 2012, according to new research conducted by Assured Research LLC. In ...
Wildfires pose significant challenges to insurers. New, expensive homes built in areas encroaching forests, drier weather and the bark beetle infestation are among the factors that have increased the ...
U.S. liability insurance results have been favorable in the past few years, buoyed by benign loss frequency, reserve releases, and the absence of major casualty catastrophes. The prospect of ...
The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, implemented in 2002, came in response to a wave of corporate scandals, such as Enron and WorldCom, which raised concerns about the integrity of the accounting ...
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