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The workers' compensation market is seeing encouraging signs. Premiums grew for the second consecutive year, the combined ratio declined and claim frequency continued to improve at a pace slightly ...
British oil company BP wants Prime Minister David Cameron to intervene with the U.S. government over the escalating cost of compensating U.S. companies for the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster in 2010, ...
Large state-by-state variations in the number of reports of fatal auto crashes that involve cell phone use are just one indication that these cases of distracted driving are under-reported, the ...
Foreigners brought almost two-thirds of all lawsuits heard in London's leading commercial court over the last five years, according to a new survey, cementing the city's reputation as the venue of ...
The World Health Organization's ability to police the new strain of bird flu that has killed 27 people in China is being jeopardized by budget cuts, according to a top U.S. official. "One of the ...
Patent demands are taking a big toll on technology companies, with results that range from forcing companies to tweak their products to exiting their business altogether, according to a study from ...
"On medication" may not be one of the check boxes on carrier claims forms, but by hunting for such a description in adjuster notes, auto insurers can improve their results, a consultant reports. ...
Despite the prevalence of apologies—think Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson and Bill Clinton—the idea of offering an apology as a result of a claim is rarely considered in the insurance ...
U.S. farmers have collected a record $17 billion in crop insurance payments on drought-hit 2012 crops but the system could have spent half as much and still saved growers from ruinous losses, an ...
Two Western retailers have promised to compensate families of garment workers killed while making their clothes in a Bangladesh factory building that collapsed last week in the country's worst ...
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