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Tornadoes that struck the United States from May 18 to May 20 caused anywhere from $2 billion to $5 billion in insured losses, disaster modeling company Eqecat said. The firm said most of the losses ...
The government's weather center is forecasting that this year's Atlantic hurricane season that begins June 1 will be an active one, perhaps even extremely active, during its six months. Experts at ...
Insurers fighting Pittsburgh Corning Corp.'s reorganization have asked a judge to rescind her initial approval of the building-supply company's plan to exit bankruptcy. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Judith ...
Medical professional liability insurance (MPLI) is a smaller specialty property/casualty insurance underwriting segment that has generated strong annual underwriting profits since 2006, considerably ...
The property/casualty insurance industry's loss reserve position improved in 2012, according to analysts at Conning, who estimate an overall redundancy of 3.3 percent of carried reserves in spite of ...
George W. Huguely V, the ex-University of Virginia lacrosse player convicted of murdering his sometime girlfriend in May 2010, was sued by American International Group Inc. over his refusal to ...
While third-party litigation funding has just started to grab headlines in the United States, the funding method has been used in Europe for some time. People in the United States didn't see a need ...
The damage from Monday's tornado in a suburb of Oklahoma City is likely to exceed that caused by the 2011 twister in Joplin, Missouri, that killed 161 people, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John ...
Federal wage and hour lawsuits have reached a surprise record high, according to a report by law firm Seyfarth Shaw LLP. Cases filed under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in have continued to ...
Just in time for the 2013 hurricane season, Karen Clark & Co. (KCC), a catastrophe risk and modeling firm, has released a scientific tool for creating hurricane tracks and wind speeds. Named ...
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