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The U.S. suffered 11 weather and climate disasters last year that caused more than $1 billion in damage each and killed more than 300 people, making 2012 the second-most costly and active year on ...
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is providing more data about claims costs at insurance units after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission pressed the company for the information. We ...
A Connecticut judge has ordered The Hartford insurance company to pay $20 million to auto body shops for an unfair trade practice related to hourly labor rates for vehicle repairs. The judge's ...
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday announced a $20 billion plan to prepare for rising sea levels and hotter summers expected as a result of climate change in the coming decades. The plan, ...
Floods that have devastated parts of southern and eastern Germany could briefly impede growth in Europe's biggest economy, an industry body said, while ratings agency Fitch said the economic cost ...
In his book, The Flaw of Averages, author Sam Savage explores how the widely used statistical concept of "averages" can wreak havoc on our forecasting and decision making. He explains the law's ...
The losses insurers face from the worst flooding in central Europe since 2002 may be lower than those resulting from the deluge 11 years ago even as the toll on local economies looms larger. Insured ...
Severe weather in May caused an estimated $4 billion in insured damage, and almost twice that in economic losses, in the U.S. alone and billions more in economic losses around the globe, according to ...
Allstate Corp. and Citigroup Inc. agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by the insurer in New York state court accusing the bank of fraudulently selling hundreds of millions of dollars of mortgage-backed ...
The tornado that leveled an Oklahoma City suburb last week probably cost insurers $2 billion to $3.5 billion in claims, according to catastrophe modeler Risk Management Solutions Inc. The estimate ...
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