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Liberty Mutual Insurance hopes to advance the use of telematics in the home, with promises of extra discounts to customers who use a high-tech smoke and carbon monoxide alarm and agree to share the ...
Progressive found that the average number of motorcycle insurance claims peaks in July, soaring 78 percent higher than in any other month, according to a review of its 2014 data. Beyond July, ...
Traditionally one of the most challenging underwriting segments in the U.S. commercial lines insurance market, workers compensation has experienced a meaningful turnaround in performance from large ...
Allstate said it handled estimated pre-tax catastrophe losses for May that reached $178 million, the bulk of which came from four severe weather events. The number actually hit $180 million, pre-tax ...
Workers' compensation costs per claim in Michigan were lower than that of the typical state, according to a recent study by Massachusetts-based Workers Compensation Research Institute, with average ...
Commercial lines insurance underwriters in the United States have generated two consecutive years of significant underwriting profits. However, market sentiment has turned less favorable recently as ...
Since eight hurricanes whipped through Florida during back-to-back seasons a decade ago, causing $33 billion in insurance claims, the state's coastal communities have added an additional 1.5 million ...
In a Credit Outlook report published earlier this week, an analyst from Moody's Investors Service described an updated accounting standard related to property/casualty insurance loss reserves as a ...
The Atlantic hurricane season will be less active than usual, producing six to 11 named storms through Nov. 30, as moderate sea-surface temperatures and an El Niño weather pattern limit storm ...
Net income for U.S. property/casualty insurers totaled $55.5 billion after taxes last year, coming as little surprise to experts who had forecast a $50-billion-plus result early this year. In early ...
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