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The Florida Supreme Court has delivered another blow to Florida's workers compensation system with a ruling that the state's statutory 104-week cap on temporary disability benefits is ...
This summer and fall, the Atlantic Ocean might become a testing ground for competing scientific theories. After decades of warmth, there's evidence that the ocean is cooling, a change that could mean ...
Tropical Storm Colin was moving across northern Florida early Tuesday as it knocked out power to thousands, prompted Governor Rick Scott to declare a state of emergency and threatened flooding across ...
The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear State Farm Fire and Casualty Co.'s bid to overturn a finding that the insurance company fraudulently overbilled the government for damage from Hurricane Katrina. ...
This year, extensive flooding has already affected parts of Texas and Louisiana. With more rain producing floods forecasted for the southern part of the U.S. this spring, the likelihood of disaster ...
In a move to serve customers who rent out their homes on a temporary basis, Allstate has filed plans to offer home-sharing protection in six states — Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, ...
American Medical Systems, a major defendant in litigation over controversial vaginal mesh devices, is accusing "a pyramid of businessmen, doctors and lawyers" of luring women into unwarranted ...
Allstate reported $633 million in estimated pre-tax catastrophe losses for April, more than half of which came from three days of severe hailstorms in Texas. After taxes, the number comes in at $411 ...
The cost of dog-bite claims for U.S. insurers climbed 16 percent last year on higher medical expenses and larger settlements to resolve court disputes. The average claim increased to $37,214 in 2015 ...
As the number of earthquakes in Oklahoma exploded into the hundreds in the last few years, nearly a dozen insurance companies moved to limit their exposure, often at the expense of homeowners, a ...
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