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As Florida residents return home after being evacuated by Hurricane Irma, the pressure is on the insurance industry to keep a bad situation regarding assignment of benefits (AOB) abuse in the state ...
A perfect storm is brewing. As hurricane season ramps up on the East Coast, a new report from the Insurance Research Council (IRC) reveals that many homeowners insurance customers don't understand ...
While it's too early to accurately quantify the insured losses related to Hurricane Harvey, primary insurance carriers—as opposed to reinsurers—will retain the majority of losses, according to ...
Flood damage in Texas from Hurricane Harvey may equal that from 2005's Hurricane Katrina, the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history, said an insurance research group on Sunday. As heavy rain ...
Eighty-five percent of the matter in the universe is invisible to us, and little is known about it. Scientists call it "dark matter." Dark matter interacts with the rest of the universe—in fact, ...
A frightened truck driver dodging a barrage of bullets fired from the assault rifles of a drug-smuggling criminal gang doesn't seem like the obvious description of the final stages of a cyber attack. ...
Increasing competition in the cyber insurance market is keeping prices for coverage below where they probably should be, experts said at an industry conference that took place just days after the ...
Italian durum wheat and dairy farmer Attilio Tocchi saw warning signs during the winter of the dramatic drought to come at his holding a mile away from the Tuscan coast. "When it still hadn't rained ...
Nearly all major commercial product lines saw their Q2 2017 premium renewal rates increase slightly compared to last year. Workers compensation, however, saw renewal rates move back into the ...
Britain must reassess the way it designs buildings to cope with a warming climate, stepping away from huge expanses of glass and beyond air conditioning that consumes too much energy, a panel ...
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