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Four hours after Hurricane Andrew made landfall near Homestead, Fla. in 1992, catastrophe modeler AIR issued a statement that the insured losses could exceed $13 billion in Florida. Actual losses ...
Aon Benfield has teamed with CLARA analytics to deliver artificial intelligence tools to workers compensation insurers in the U.S. to help employees return to work as quickly as possible while ...
More than 172,000 homes with a combined reconstruction cost value of more than $65 billion face some level of risk from the metropolitan Napa and Santa Rosa fires in California, according to a new ...
As bad as September was in terms of natural disasters and the resulting costs, the 2017 third quarter as a whole could be positively historic as a result. A new report from Aon Benfield's Impact ...
The Travelers Companies marked the 10th anniversary of offering wedding insurance with an analysis of claims trends over the last decade, finding that vendor problems were the No. 1 cause of ...
Only 48 percent of property/casualty actuaries surveyed by Willis Towers Watson last year said they were fully satisfied with the accuracy and confidence of their reserving, the global advisory, ...
The application of technology in the insurance industry is accelerating at a rapid pace, yet the constraints of legacy infrastructure make it difficult to leverage and integrate new tools to enhance ...
The vulnerability of governments and businesses to cyberattacks was exposed again Wednesday when a top U.S. financial regulator said hackers had breached its electronic database of market-moving ...
Sometimes it takes a tragedy—maybe even two tragedies—to change a paradigm. But just as Houston and parts of the west coast of Florida will never be the same after the double disasters of ...
HCI Group predicts it will handle between $100 million and $300 million in insured losses related to Hurricane Irma, according to preliminary estimates from the Florida-based insurer. The losses will ...
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