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The 2020 hurricane season will be an active one according to all the major forecasters. Colorado State University said there is a 69 percent chance of a major U.S. landfalling hurricane. The tally ...
In 1963, congregants noticed a strange odor in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church in Littleton, Colo. Some suspected a gas leak or maybe spilled stationary ink. Others thought the smell ...
Zurich North America Insurance has selected two InsurTechs offering climate resilience and claims efficiency to represent North America in its second Innovation Championship. Jupiter Intelligence ...
COVID-19 isn't the first and won't be the last pandemic to threaten the well-being of the global population, but it will likely turn out to be the worst in the last 100 years. It would be hard to ...
A trial court judge in Lansing, Mich., handed a victory to insurers in what may be the nation's first final ruling on the question of whether a property insurer is liable for financial damages caused ...
Estimates of the size of COVID-19's impact on the insurance industry vary widely, but some companies (including Chubb and Willis Re) have suggested that, considering both asset and liability losses, ...
June 16, 2019, was a seemingly normal day on Florida's Turnpike in Orlando. Minivans were filled with families on their way to Disney; local Floridians were going about their daily routines. But ...
Experts fear that aging U.S. dams may not be able to handle the extreme weather events associated with climate change. Scientists warn that some U.S. coastal cities could experience daily flooding by ...
While there's a great deal of speculation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic's immediate and longer-term effects on the insurance industry, one key trend is sure to stick: commercial P/C insurers will ...
The NotPetya malware attack of June 2017 changed the future of cyber insurance and the way companies manage the risk. Initially believed to be a ransomware attack, NotPetya instead wiped data from ...
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