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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe levels of disruption to economies around the world and has affected businesses of all sizes—and the insurance industry has been caught in the middle of the ...
While Swiss Re's $2.5 billion estimate of COVID-related insurance and reinsurance losses stands above most others around the industry, the situation is destined to change, according to the group CEO. ...
A car owner should be able to pay lower insurance premiums for driving a car with safety features, such as automated braking that stops the car when the driver is distracted or lane keep assist ...
Commercial lines insurers are intent on maintaining underwriting discipline as they grow, using data, AI, predictive analytics and business rules to align pricing actions with risk quality and make ...
The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry saw its surplus drop by a record amount in the 2020 first quarter, thanks to stock market turmoil driven by the coronavirus pandemic's rapid arrival. But ...
Growth in the U.S. cyber insurance market continues to slow, with 2019 marking the fourth consecutive year in which premiums grew less than in the prior year, says a new report from AM Best. At the ...
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to give federal courts jurisdiction over liability claims arising from coronavirus infections to limit the legal exposure of businesses, schools and other ...
Allstate Corporation could see pretax catastrophe losses as high as $1.19 billion for second-quarter 2020 ($937 after tax), the company announced yesterday. For the month of June, Allstate is ...
Health care providers may be overprescribing antibiotics in an effort to ward off infections in COVID patients confined to the hospital for prolonged periods of time. The pandemic is increasing ...
Though the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to lead to the deepest recession since the 1930s, global insurance premium volume will rebound to pre-crisis levels by the end of 2021, forecasts Swiss Re in ...
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