Companies Fear Business Interruption and Cyber Attacks the Most: Allianz Risk Ranking
Business interruption and cyber incidents remain the top two business risks, but other challenges such as tariffs and Brexit are gaining ground, according to the 2019 Allianz Risk Barometer. ...Iran Suspected Culprit Behind Hack Attacks on Govt., Communications Infrastructure
Cyber attackers in Iran could be behind a wave of hacks on government and communications infrastructure that will require a coordinated global response to repel, according to cybersecurity firm ...Two InsurTechs Chosen to Represent North America in Zurich Innovation World Championship
Zurich North America chose two InsurTech companies to represent North America in its first-ever Zurich Innovation World Championship. Chisel, based in Toronto, is an AI-based provider of products and ...The Latest Launches From CFC and Legal & General
CFC debuted updated cyber insurance coverage that addresses some emerging risk areas. Legal & General plans to bring robotic intelligence into its customer service.