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Sixty-two percent of carrier professionals recently surveyed said their companies have already adopted artificial intelligence and machine learning initiatives, but a high percentage of those ...
A division of China's Ping An Insurance Group is teaming with American global tech giant Intel Corp. to establish a joint innovation laboratory. The arrangement is between California-based Intel and ...
Cambridge Mobile Telematics is launching a new product that lets auto insurers use smartphones reconstruct crashes as part of the claims process. The company said its new Claims Studio product line ...
Specialist insurer Beazley and reinsurer RenaissanceRe have jointly launched a product that provides Beazley with additional catastrophe cover for cyber events. The majority of the security behind ...
Technology companies transformed smartphones and televisions into continuous fountains of revenue. Now, big tech wants to work with automakers to do the same thing for your car. With the widespread ...
Corvus Insurance disclosed it has attracted $32 million in new financing that will fuel further growth, in part by countering complex cyber risks. The InsurTech-focused managing general agent based ...
Staff at foreign exchange firm Travelex are using pen and paper to serve thousands of customers after the company said cyber hackers were holding its systems to ransom, leading to a global blackout ...
Farmers Insurance has expanded its commercial auto insurance coverage for Uber drivers into 13 new markets. In all, Farmers said the product is now available to drivers using the Uber App in 14 ...
The days of VC funds and strategic investors throwing money at InsurTechs may be numbered, an InsurTech executive warned fellow startup leaders late last year during a presentation at an InsurTech ...
To all of our Carrier Management readers: Happy New Year! With the advance of 2020, we are also announcing the launch of something new on our website: Readers can now post comments about the stories ...
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