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Car thieves are targeting catalytic converters to access the valuable precious metals they contain. Researchers have identified new vulnerabilities in Amazon's Alexa.
Monte Carlo is focused on helping organizations obtain more reliable data. In early February, the San Francisco-based InsurTech startup took a step closer to fully realizing its mission with a new ...
The underwriters of the future will need to be "exponential," multiplying their value by developing new skills and taking on enhanced responsibilities. This means evolving into new roles, such as ...
QOMPLX, an InsurTech focused on cyber security risk analytics, said it will become a public company in a reverse merger agreement and then acquire two other companies. The Virginia-based outfit ...
Aon said it would collaborate with analytics company Praedicat on developing a range of specialist liability reinsurance products and services that address product liability risks including ...
Verisk is offering a new usage-based program for auto insurers. CSAA Insurance Group has started a new network that highlights environmental sustainability. American Modern has launched an augmented ...
A startup centered around an AI-driven platform for insurance distribution secured $11 million in Series A financing. Zelros plans to use the money, in part to propel its North American expansion, ...
COVID-19 has not made people any less concerned about climate change—despite the pandemic disrupting and dominating many aspects of their lives, a study suggests. Over a period of 14 ...
When Donnel Baird first pitched his idea in 2014 to create a technology platform that could help small apartment buildings and other urban structures become energy efficient, he got the U.S. ...
Showers of jet engine parts over residential areas on both sides of the Atlantic have caught regulators' attention and prompted the suspension of some older Boeing planes from service. The Saturday ...
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