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New survey research indicates long-term AI strategy is the top priority for enterprise AI decision-makers, according to global technology research and advisory firm Information Services Group (ISG). ...
Despite business' efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change, they are not set up for success, due to conflicting targets and abatement option availability, according to a new study by ...
Payments from crypto-related ransom attacks nearly doubled to a record $1 billion in 2023, blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis said on Wednesday. Scammers targeting institutions such as hospitals, ...
Reinsurers in general maintained adequate capacity for casualty programs, despite concerns about social inflation and some recent reserve strengthening actions, according to a report from AM Best. ...
An abrupt shutdown of Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze is looking a bit more likely and closer than before as a new complex computer simulation finds a ...
The annual number of road-related deaths fell slightly to 1.19 million per year, according to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) report. That still translates to more than two deaths occurring ...
Accountants must play a role in spotting fraud when they check the books of companies, a global standard setting body for corporate auditing said in robust proposals on Tuesday. The International ...
Nearly three million workers die each year due to work-related accidents and diseases, an increase of more than 5 percent as compared to 2015, according to a recent estimate by the International ...
Climate change is the main culprit for a record drought in the Amazon rainforest that has drained rivers, killed endangered dolphins and upended life for millions of people in the region, according ...
Much of the United States is shivering through brutal cold as most of the rest of the world is feeling unusually warm weather. However strange it sounds, that contradiction fits snugly in ...
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