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Global supply chain problems look set to worsen, a new report published on Tuesday said, as China's COVID-19 lockdowns, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and other strains cause even longer delays at ...
The business opportunities provided by the global transition to net zero is potentially large enough to double the size of the London insurance market, according to the London and International ...
Argo Group International Holdings Ltd., the Bermuda-based re/insurer, announced that its board of directors has initiated an exploration of strategic alternatives. As part of this process, the board ...
The United States and 55 other nations on Thursday signed a political commitment to push rules for the Internet that are underpinned by democratic values, at a time when the U.S. has accused Russia ...
Climate change could see 4 percent of global annual economic output lost by 2050 and hit many poorer parts of the world disproportionately hard, a new study of 135 countries has estimated. Ratings ...
Upward premium rate momentum is expected to continue to support underlying performance for the London market, despite mounting challenges connected to climate modeling, claims inflation and the war ...
Climate change produced another record-breaking year of extreme weather in Europe in 2021, triggering catastrophic flooding and the hottest summer on record, according to scientists at the Copernicus ...
China's "uniquely restrictive" data laws risk boosting U.S. firms' cost of doing business in the No. 2 economy and could lead to digital decoupling, a new report from an American business group ...
Financially strong EU and UK reinsurers will finally see the end of collateral requirements for business they write in the United States—changes that have been more than 20 years in the making. ...
The global reinsurance and London market sectors face increased risks from rising claims inflation, financial market volatility and weakening price momentum, according to a commentary published by ...
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