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European Union leaders will consider pressing Britain to delay Brexit by at least a year to find a way through its domestic deadlock, the chair of next week's EU summit said on Thursday. "I will ...
Marijuana is a growing opportunity for insurers across the United States as moves to legalize the drug have expanded across the country. But there are still a number of risks in play that could limit ...
President Donald Trump's "I LOVE YOU!" tweet to farmers is facing another challenge: Budget cuts that will slash subsidies for crop insurance and small growers. Trump's 2020 budget, released Monday, ...
Democratic and Republican lawmakers on Tuesday pressed Wells Fargo & Co Chief Executive Tim Sloan for proof the bank has put a string of consumer abuse scandals behind it at a tense congressional ...
Flood insurance premiums could rise and property values fall in the most deluge-prone areas under a plan the Trump administration intends to roll out in coming weeks to change the way risk is ...
The Department of Homeland Security is conducting a broad review of risks posed by 5G technology, officials said, as the U.S. grapples with concerns about the new network's vulnerability to hacking ...
Prime Minister Theresa May urged the European Union on Friday to make "just one more push" to break the deadlock over Brexit by offering her changes to a deal to help persuade Britain's deeply ...
U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May is trying to get her Brexit deal rewritten in Brussels to make it acceptable to Parliament. Since her deal was defeated by a massive 230 votes on Jan 15, May has made ...
U.S. insurers are pushing for the extension of a federal terrorism risk insurance program, hoping to fend off a possible gap that would leave their clients scrambling for alternate coverage. The ...
The Trump administration is preparing to allow lawsuits in U.S. courts for the first time against some foreign companies doing business in Communist-ruled Cuba using properties confiscated from ...
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