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Lobbyists for the property/casualty insurance industry are trying to prevent a $125 million jump in Washington's insurance premium tax that would fund wildfire prevention and suppression. The tax ...
U.S. bank regulators proposed a rule on Tuesday that would discourage large banks from heavily investing in debt issued by other large banks by requiring them to hold additional capital against such ...
Angela Merkel will this week stage her most significant intervention in the Brexit process in more than two years, as the European Union moves to shield itself from the fallout of political chaos in ...
China will sharply expand market access for foreign banks and securities and insurance companies, especially in its financial services sector, Premier Li Keqiang said on Thursday, as senior U.S. ...
Missouri farmer Richard Oswald needs a lot of help to recover from flooding that left his home and farm looking like a manmade island in an inland sea. Relief groups are giving tetanus shots and ...
Colorado isn't like other states. At 2.7 percent, its unemployment rate is lower than the national average. It's the seventh-fastest-growing state in the U.S., adding some 80,000 residents in 2018. ...
A Congressional House committee pursuing reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program is also considering a number of related legislative proposals beyond the NFIP's renewal. In all, four ...
The Missouri River floodwater surging on to the air base housing the U.S. military's Strategic Command overwhelmed round-the-clock sandbagging by airmen and others. They had to scramble to save ...
Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit plans were in disarray on Tuesday as her government sought to plot a way around a ruling by the speaker of parliament that she must change her twice-defeated ...
Climate advocates say an overhaul of the nation's flood insurance program being unveiled by the Trump administration will spur communities around the country to better plan for extreme weather, but ...
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