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National governments must help provide insurance cover for future lockdowns, the industry's European Union regulator said on Monday, as the private sector cannot afford to provide such broad coverage ...
Legislation to nullify business interruption (BI) exclusions in some states could have disastrous consequences for the P/C insurance industry if passed, potentially wiping out up to 50 percent of ...
Insurance commissioners in at least seven states have advised business owners not to get their hopes up if pursuing business interruption claims. Scott Seaman, a partner with the Hinshaw & ...
The U.S. insurance industry is promoting the idea of an insurance plan backed by the federal government that would help businesses that in the future suffer losses from a pandemic, people familiar ...
A ruling last week not to wipe out holders of a World Bank financial instrument providing emergency funds to poor countries in a pandemic, was just a stay of execution if bond markets are to be ...
Soon after the attacks on the World Trade Center and other locations on the morning of September 11, President Bush declared that the atrocities were "an act of war." That statement prompted a call ...
The property/casualty insurance industry has joined a broad business coalition in supporting and crafting a new federal relief fund for businesses and workers affected by the quarantine and ...
The head of one of the U.S. property/casualty insurance industry's largest trade associations is doubling down on his opposition of attempts by federal and state governments to make business ...
Delivering remarks about the property/casualty insurance industry's response to the growing impacts of COVID-19 on policyholders late last week, an industry group executive called on the NAIC to ease ...
To offset the crushing costs of trying to stem a global epidemic, the World Bank and partners announced the creation of "pandemic bonds" several years ago: the idea was to leverage private capital ...
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