California, Missouri and Utah top the states with the most road rage, according to a new Forbes Advisor survey of 10,000 licensed drivers.

Nine key metrics were used to measure the occurrence of road rage in each state. These include:

  • Drivers who report that another driver has forced their car off the road: 16 percent of score.
  • Drivers who report that another driver has exited their vehicle to yell at or fight with them: 16 percent of score.
  • Drivers who report experiencing road rage very frequently from other drivers in their home state: 14 percent of score.
  • Drivers who report that another driver has tried to block their car from merging or changing lanes: 14 percent of score.
  • Drivers who report that another driver has cut them off on purpose: 14 percent of score.
  • Drivers who report that another driver has tailgated their car: 8 percent of score.
  • Drivers who report that another driver has yelled at them, insulted them, cursed at them or made threats: 6 percent of score.
  • Drivers who report that another driver has honked at them in frustration: 6 percent of score.
  • Drivers who report that another driver has made rude or offensive gestures at them: 6 percent of score.

The results of the survey indicate California tops the list of states with the worst road rage, while Hawaii is home to the most polite drivers in the nation.

Four of the top 10 states with the most confrontational drivers are in the South, including Oklahoma, Mississippi, Virginia and Maryland.

Three of the top 10 states with the most polite drivers are in the Midwest: Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, and three are in the West: Montana, Wyoming and Hawaii.

In the past 12 months, 41 percent of drivers witnessed an act of road rage, 32 percent experienced road rage from another driver and 22 percent felt road rage themselves.

Among the drivers surveyed, the top reasons cited for feeling road rage include:

  • Another driver was driving badly (40 percent)
  • Another driver was driving aggressively (38 percent)
  • Another driver cut me off (31 percent)
  • I was already feeling stressed (29 percent)
  • Another driver was tailgating me (27 percent)

The top 10 states for road rage are:

  1. California
  2. Missouri
  3. Utah
  4. Oklahoma
  5. Colorado
  6. Mississippi
  7. Virginia
  8. Indiana
  9. New York
  10. Maryland

Drivers surveyed indicated truck drivers were most frequently seen exhibiting road rage (33 percent), followed by drivers of:

  • SUVs (23 percent)
  • Sports cars (20 percent)
  • Sedans (19 percent)
  • Minivans (7 percent)

The survey was conducted by market research company, Talker Research, in accordance with the Market Research Society's code of conduct. Data was collected between May 30 and June 14, 2024.

Read the full report at