Just 3 in 10 Americans aspire to a C-suite role, with millennials showing the highest interest in becoming a top executive (39 percent), according to new research, “Who’s the Boss,” from investment advisory firm Empower.
Nearly a third (31 percent) of those surveyed don’t want their job description to change — even if it means sacrificing a promotion or raise.
Money remains the No. 1 driver of job satisfaction (67 percent), which many Americans believe is linked to financial happiness, and trumps the value people say they place on being an inspiring leader and leading by example (32 percent), Empower found.
Many worry about working with an incompetent manager (24 percent) or colleagues (26 percent).
Interestingly, those surveyed said work satisfaction comes from being rewarded for loyalty and longevity at a company (40 percent) more than taking on challenging projects (24 percent) and recognition for the job performed (34 percent).
A good number (38 percent and 55 percent of Gen Z) don’t feel they get paid enough to go above and beyond their current job description.
Nearly 1 in 4 people say they’re not working at full capacity and nothing will motivate them to work harder (23 percent overall, 37 percent Gen Z).
More Americans plan to increase their contributions to their retirement savings in 2024 (34 percent), the investment advisory firm found, with 23 percent planning to ask for a promotion or quit to find a higher-paying job (14 percent).
Gen Z tends to look to make more money by “job zwitching” (16 percent).
Besides commensurate pay, respondents want additional benefits like greater access to financial advice. Nearly 44 percent wish their employer offered more one-on-one financial help. In addition, 39 percent say their employer doesn’t offer enough financial planning support.
Nearly half, 48 percent, say financial coaching is a major must-have, and 52 percent wish their job would provide more financial literacy opportunities, the study found.
Two-thirds of Americans say retirement plan matching is an important employee benefit and over half (54 percent) wish their job automatically enrolled them into a 401(k) plan.
Bonuses are important to 75 percent of Americans, though nearly 1 in 5 respondents (17 percent) say their employer doesn’t offer one. Of those who receive bonuses, one in 4 put their annual bonus money toward essential items (24 percent), savings (44 percent), and retirement (28 percent), though 32 percent plan to spend it on a vacation.
If an employer offered a four-day work week, 48 percent say they would return to the office and 6 percent would be willing to take a pay cut to go remote.
If an employer asked employees to return to the office this year, 26 percent say would quit.
More than 1 in 4 (26 percent) want to make enough to avoid working multiple jobs.
Nearly a third feel their paycheck isn’t enough to cover their mortgage, though confidence remains strong with 58 percent of respondents indicating they felt they could get back on track financially.