Carrier Management, Insurance Journal’s sister publication focused on insurance company leadership insights and carrier news, is celebrating the one-year anniversary of two special newsletters this month: Carrier Management’s Leadership Tips and Risk Alerts.

In Leadership Tips, Carrier Management Assistant Editor Kim Tallon delivers insights and advice curated from the writings of top leadership experts—with tips on communication, conflict resolution, time management, dealing with stress and burnout, building trust, and more.

“Even the best leader has room for improvement. Whether you’re a relative newcomer or a veteran leader, this bi-monthly newsletter will help you take your leadership game to the next level,” she wrote in the inaugural edition last June.

In Risk Alerts, delivered once a month, Tallon offers a continuing look at some partially hidden risks and their insurance implications, combining free access to feature articles delving into new risks, along with short takes flagging risks that may not yet have surfaced in property/casualty C-suites or boardrooms.

“As always, there are examples given which make the concept/phenomenon stand out as real and understandable,” one reader commented after reading a recent edition.

Carrier Management’s Leadership Tips and Risk Alerts newsletters are free, and provide a great complement to Carrier Management’s Daily Headlines newsletter. Sign up at

Where In The World Is My Carrier Management Newsletter?

“Hey, I used to get the Carrier Management Daily Headlines newsletter. I wonder what happened to that.”

If you found yourself thinking something similar during the last few weeks, rest assured, we haven’t stopped publishing our daily newsletter.

Let’s try to fix the situation for you.

First, check your junk folder. Human readers know that CM’s daily dose of insurance leadership and industry news is not junk. But the technology gods at Microsoft and Google can make mistakes. If any of our newsletters is hiding in your junk folder, go ahead and mark it “not junk” or tag “never block sender” in your email program.

Once you locate your copy, consider forwarding the email to your colleagues so they can get their subscriptions up and running too.

We don’t want you to miss another day of our content.