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Feedback can be transformative. But executives shouldn’t necessarily use it to enact change in their practices just for the sake of changing.

A recent posting at the Kellogg Insight blog warns that change for the sake of changing is not necessarily a good thing, particularly when contemplating feedback about adjusting practices in favor of new approaches. Instead, good leaders listen to the feedback and ultimately do what they feel is best for their organization, regardless of whether they implement some, all or none of the recommendations, the posting states.

“Think of feedback as useful information that helps you expand your response toolbox, rather than someone telling you what to do,” the post recommends.

In other words, as the blog posting urges, employees and executives alike should reflect before making changes just because the feedback said to do so. Then, they follow their guts to make the decisions they feel will work best for everyone involved.

According to the posting, it is more important to consider whether recommendations/feedback will help an employee or executive accomplish a mission for the organization. Effective leaders take that information in and figure out what the organization needs from them, and then respond in kind. Sometimes that involves a different direction than what feedback may indicate.

The full Kellogg Insight posting – “4 Steps to Becoming a More Self-Aware Leader” – can be accessed at this link.