A former W.R. Berkley Corp. executive is now chief financial officer of Hamilton Underwriting Ltd., the managing agency of Syndicate 3334 and the Lloyd’s operations of Hamilton Insurance Group.

Robert Vetch replaces Simon Barrett, who left Hamilton in December 2018 to pursue another opportunity. Barrett had been in the position since 2015.
CEO Dermot O’Donohoe said that Vetch will be an important part of the company’s exploration of “opportunities for profitable and sustainable growth.”
Previously, Vetch was at Berkley, where he was chief financial officer, WRB Underwriting, for nine years. Before that, Vetch was finance business partner, Brit Global Markets. Vetch also has previous experience from QBE Insurance Group Limited and PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he specialized in insurance and investment management.
Source: Hamilton Insurance Group