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ICW Group Insurance Companies plans to start writing workers compensation in five new states: Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota and Missouri.

ICW, a group of property/casualty carriers based in San Diego, now writes workers compensation insurance in 21 states, via a network of appointed independent agents and brokers. ICW is licensed nationally.

“Our expansion could not have been accomplished without the confidence our valued agents and brokers place in ICW Group to create a top tier insurance experience,” ICW Group President and CEO Kevin Prior said in prepared remarks. “The addition of these new states provides our current agent partners an excellent opportunity to better serve their clients with multi-state operations by placing them with a carrier they know and trust.”

Since 2012, A.M. Best has ranked ICW first in cumulative direct written premium growth among the 20 largest U.S. workers comp carriers. Last year, ICW’s workers comp line moved up to fifth place in California and 17th place nationally.

Source: ICW Group