A Munich Re executive has been named the 2017 Insurance Hall of Fame Laureate.
Nikolaus von Bomhard is chairman of the Board of Management of Munich Re. He’ll be inducted at the July 3 awards dinner to be held in conjunction with the International Insurance Society Global Insurance Forum, which will take place at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel in London from July 2-5, 2017.
Previous Insurance Hall of Fame awardees include Stephen Catlin, executive deputy chairman of XL Catlin; Brian Duperreault, chairman and CEO of Hamilton Insurance Group; Dennis Kessler, chairman and CEO of SCOR; and Don Kramer, founder, chairman and management partner of ILS Capital Management Ltd.
The Insurance Hall of Fame recognition is designed to recognize standouts who “have made a broad, encompassing and lasting contribution to the insurance industry and who are recognized by their peers as successful leaders, innovators and visionaries,” the IIS said in its announcement.
Von Bomhard joined the Munich Re graduate trainee program in 1985 and has held various leadership positions with the company around the world in the years since.
“As an effective leader with inspired vision, resolute ethical standards and a deep commitment to issues surrounding sustainable development,” (von Bomhard) embodies the criteria of the Insurance Hall of Fame,” James Vickers, chairman of the IIS Honors Committee, said in a prepared statement.
Michael Morrissey, IIS president and CEO, added that von Bomhard “steered Munich Re successfully through the financial crisis with a steady hand.”
The IIS Honors Committee selects nominees for the 2017 Insurance Hall of Fame. It is a group of senior insurance executives and academics, and IIS members vote by secret ballot. The law firm McCarthy Denning Ltd. conducts the process and tabulates the results.
Source: IIS