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bigstock-Medals-award--29532590-top-rankWells Media Group publications and websites recently won six 2016 Azbee Awards of Excellence from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE).

The awards were for work by InsuranceJournal.com and Insurance Journal magazine, ClaimsJournal.com and Carrier Management magazine.

“We work hard to give insurance professionals content that can inform, educate, challenge and inspire as well as help them better serve their clients,” said Andrew Simpson, chief content officer for Wells Media. “While we look first to our growing and engaged global readership for feedback, it feels good to be recognized by publishing professionals outside of our world of insurance as well.”

The six winning Wells Media editorial reports and the credited individuals are:

  • InsuranceJournal.com won a Silver Award in the web feature article category for its online video interview and reporting, “H.R. Haldeman’s Son Recalls Life Before, After Watergate; Own Entry Into Insurance,” by Andrew Simpson, chief content officer, with assistance from Bobbie Dodge, vice president of new media, and Dena Kaplan, special advisor.
  • ClaimsJournal.com was awarded a Bronze Award in the web feature category for its article, “How Wearable Devices Are Disrupting the Insurance Industry” by Denise Johnson, editor, Claims Journal.
  • Insurance Journal magazine earned a Silver Award for original research for “Agency Salary Survey: Agencies Under Stress” by Andrea Wells, editor-in-chief, with help from Paul Osborne, Demotech Inc., research partner, and Guy Boccia, vice president of design.
  • Carrier Management magazine won a Bronze Award for its individual profile, “Catlin Says M&A Integration Is Key to Success/Catlin’s Merger Driver: ‘A Duty of Care‘” by L.S. Howard, international editor; Susanne Sclafane, executive editor; Kim Tallon, copy editor; and Guy Boccia, vice president of design.
  • A Bronze Award for news analysis went to Insurance Journal magazine for “Google Takes the Wheel,” researched and written by Don Jergler, West editor, and Amy O’Connor, Southeast editor; along with Andrea Wells, editor-in-chief; Guy Boccia, vice president of design.
  • In the category of print feature article, Insurance Journal magazine won a Silver Award for “Beating Up on Workers’ Comp” by Andrew Simpson, chief content officer; Susanne Sclafane, executive editor; and Guy Boccia, vice president of design.

Wells Media has a history of earning awards from the ASBPE association as well as from the publishing industry magazine Folio. Last fall, Carrier Management and Insurance Journal publications took home honors from the Folio Awards recognizing excellence in business-to-business publishing for the financial services segment.

Climate Control, a bimonthly Insurance Journal column by Don Jergler on climate issues affecting insurance, won the Folio award for best column or blog. Susanne Sclafane, founding and senior editor of Carrier Management, won an honorable mention in a brand new Folio category, Editor of the Year, where the competition included editors from much larger publications including People, Time, Dwell, Marie Claire and Successful Farming.

Carrier Management, which serves the property/casualty insurance executive suite, was also honored with a Folio honorable mention as best publication for its second quarter 2015 issue focusing on innovation, as well as for best series of articles for “Inside the Minds of Innovators in Insurance,” written by Sclafane and designed by Guy Boccia, Wells Media’s vice president of design.

San Diego-based Wells Media Group serves the property/casualty insurance industry with Insurance Journal, Claims Journal, Carrier Management, MyNewMarkets and the Academy of Insurance.