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Bigger Better and Faster Product as a ConceptThere’s a new app out from Munich Re’s U.S. arm that helps homeowners make their home more resilient to severe weather events. The reinsurer’s Hartford Steam Boiler recently launched personal lines cyber insurance for consumers. CNA unveiled a new tool that, along with consulting services, is designed to help healthcare organizations navigate an M&A deal.


Munich Re U.S. and the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety came out with a new app designed to help homeowners build safer, stronger structures that can counter a jump in severe weather events.

Winter Weather TennDubbed Fortified Home On the Go, the interactive tablet app can be downloaded for free from the iTunes Store. It’s designed to take homeowners, contractors and architects through the process of strengthening a home and provides information including videos, animation and technical specifications for building and retrofitting single-family homes.

Data from the app is based on IBHS’s Fortified Home program.


Munich Re’s Hartford Steam Boiler recently launched what it bills as the first personal lines cyber insurance program for consumers.

HSB Home Cyber Protection offers cyber coverage and services for computer attacks, cyber extortion, online fraud and breaches of personal information involving smartphones, Data breach, keyboard, alarm, cyber securitycomputers and connected home devices.

The coverage bundles cyber insurance coverages previously available just for businesses. Coverages include computer attack (to remove malware and reprogram systems or Internet access points), home system attacks, cyber extortion with profressional assistance, data breach (including forensic IT and legal reviews) and online fraud.

Customers would buy the policy and add it to the homeowners or renter policies of insurers that partner with HSB, and the policy covers individuals and family members insured by those policies.


CNA is targeting healthcare organizations that pursue mergers and acquisitions with a new tool and related consulting services designed to help them assess new and unfamiliar exposures that can result from such a transaction.

word speech bubble illustration of business acronym term M&A MerThe commercial insurance writer said the self-assessment tool asks questions that healthcare organizations and providers can explore as they go through the M&A process. This goes in tandem with CNA risk control consultants who help organizations spot risk implications of an M&A transaction universally.

Among the questions: Has a post-merger integration plan been developed and launched?

Other questions are meant to help clients identify issues such as whether enterprise risks identified during due diligence were added into the post-merger strategy and if employee surveys are being used to assess staff morale and the degree of cultural integration.

Sources: Munich Re, HSB, CNA