For those of you who missed it, Carrier Management interviewed Chubb Chief Innovation Officer Jon Bidwell during an April 22 Twitter chat focusing on Bidwell’s thoughts on innovation and how to spark it.
The conversation centered, in part, on what a chief innovation officer does, the qualities a CIO should have, and the best way to inspire, and bring about, innovation. You can still catch up on the interview on Twitter, using the hash tag #CMChubbChat. (Bidwell submitted his responses under the Chubb Twitter handle @ChubbInsurance.)
In the short term, we’ve compiled some of Bidwell’s tweets on innovation and the best practices behind it.
Bidwell’s thoughts on innovation:
- Trick with tech is learn to experiment small scale. See what matters vs merely “hey look a squirrel”.#cmchubbchat
- Also, learn not to fall in love with ideas at early stage, you’ll get divorced a lot. Many fail, have to deal,with it #cmchubbchat
- Innovation is a muscle. Has to be trained #cmchubbchat
- Often innovation is managed at biz unit level ok but sometimes gets too focused on incremental product based efforts #cmchubbchat
- Very important to provide framework and context for innovation…ideas without out it are just ideas #cmchubbchat
Innovation is a muscle. Has to be trained #cmchubbchat
— Chubb North America (@ChubbNA) April 22, 2015