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Swiss Re predicts that deglobalization will generate $33 billion in new commercial property/casualty insurance premiums by 2026, according to its latest sigma report: "Maintaining resilience: the ...
Swiss Re's economists predict "inflationary recessions" hitting major world economies over the next 12-18 months, and while recessions spell less insurance demand and inflation means higher claim ...
About 70,000 truck owner-operators who form the bedrock of California's transport industry are in limbo as state-level labor rules start applying to them, creating another choke point in stressed US ...
Global power grids are about to face their biggest test in decades, with electricity generation strangled in the world's largest economies. War. Drought. Production shortages. Historically low ...
Stress on global supply chains worsened in April as coronavirus lockdown measures in China and the war in Ukraine lengthened delivery times and air freight costs between the United States and Asia ...
With buyers' needs for capacity stable and remaining within the collective appetites of reinsurers, April 1 reinsurance renewals were orderly, according to a broker report, which points to inflation ...
According to Fitch Ratings, the Russia-Ukraine war is more likely to affect the European insurance sector through second-order financial market volatility than through direct effects from sanctions. ...
New technology such as social media has become a key driver of political risk in emerging markets, according to Willis Towers Watson's Political Risk Index Winter Update. The report notes that ...
FWD Group Ltd., the Hong Kong-based insurer backed by billionaire Richard Li, withdrew its U.S. initial public offering as China tightens its grip on overseas listings. The company said in a filing ...
Climate change, the rapid growth of "stablecoins" and financial innovations that led to frenzied trading of GameStop Corp shares early this year are threats to the U.S. financial system that merit ...
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